PV Installation, What Electricians Should Know
It is important that contractors understand solar PV technology and the electrical testing associated with PV system installation.
Ofgem reported that during 2010 up to 45MW per month of domestic solar PV were being installed and that this was due to the Feed in Tariff scheme from the government.
For qualified electricians, moving into the field of solar PV installation is a simple move and would be a straight forward skill to learn, except that there are some significant differences from the usual electrical work they carry out. PV installation can be dangerous in that it combines working with electrics with the dangers of working at height.
PV panels produce DC voltage when exposed to sunlight. The wiring system converts this to AC through an inverter which feeds into the AC mains supply of a building.
It is important that PV installers consider all the potential hazards when designing a PV system. Overall good quality design, installation and functionality are of extreme importance.
PV systems are different to other types of electrical systems in that the energy source cannot be turned off, if there is light from the Sun, a panel will produce electricity.
Safety must be a priority to ensure that risks of shock or any other dangers are minimised.
To find out about training in solar PV visit the PV course pages, or call 0845 365 39 45.