Training Information
Want to learn more about PASS as a training provider? This section includes information about our accreditations, our terms and conditions, safety policy and more.
If you’ve got any questions you can’t find the answer for here, just give us a call instead to speak to one of the training team.

High Voltage Training Centre Guide
Find out all about our HV training centre and download our latest brochure.
PASS Ltd Accreditations
See what qualifications we have gained and the type of courses you can sit.
Enhanced Learning Credits Provider
If you're a member of the forces, find out how to use your ELCAS credits with us.
On-site Training
Do you have a group of people to train? It may be easier and more cost effective if we train on your premises.
Bespoke Electrical Training Courses
We can re-work existing courses to include your own policies or create brand new courses.
Statement of Safety Policy
We aim to ensure your safety when training by following our health and safety policy.