FREE High Voltage Application Workshop

We are pleased to announce that we will be running two FREE High Voltage workshops on Thursday 19th March covering the following subjects:
- Principles of Secondary Current Injection & Low Ohm Testing
- The launch of the new ART System and its relevance to G59-G99 testing
The workshops are being presented by T&R Test Equipment and will be held at the PASS High Voltage Training Centre in Stockton-On-Tees.
The FREE-of-charge workshops will be spilt into two sessions, AM & PM. You can choose to go to either session or both.
These HV hands-on workshops are ideal
for High Voltage Engineers and anyone who may need to carry out testing on HV systems.
The main topics will include:
- Ease of data manipulation
- Extra features to make life easier
- Size and weight can matter
- Principles and common issues of secondary current Injection Testing
- Principles of low ohm testing and common issues when using a micro ohm meter
- Applications
We expect there to be a large demand for this workshop. Places are limited.
If you have any questions about the workshop or would like to book yourself or a colleague onto any of the sessions, then please send an email to
AM Session: Principles of Secondary Current Injection & Low Ohm Testing Workshop
PM Session: Launch of the new ART System and its relevance to G59-G99 testing
- State the workshop that you wish to attend, you can attend the AM, PM or both sessions
- Full name
- Job title
- Company name
- Contact phone number and email address
Once your place is confirmed you will receive full joining instructions via email.
Book your place now – email:
We look forward to hearing from you.