Get Along to the Free IET Code of Practice 4th Edition Event

The IET has updated the Code of Practice to the 4th Edition following the need for certain changes and the recommendations set out in the Lofstedt report.

The changes have led to some confusion regarding what is now expected. However, the IET say that the changes are improvements and updates to the 3rd Edition and were necessary for further clarity and changing ideas.

Some of the changes are simply more detailed information to combat misinterpretation, as was the found with the 3rd Edition, but some changes are quite substantial.

It’s these substantial changes that are confusing people and making them unsure if they are working correctly within the guidelines of this 4th Edition.

However, Megger have teamed up with PASS to create a free road-show event which aims to explain the changes and alleviate any confusion surrounding the update.

Experts will be available on the day to answer questions of any kind regarding the IET Code of Practice 4th Edition and a whole host of information is waiting for those attending.

Taking place on the 22nd March and 11th April this year, the event will be of huge benefit to those wanting clear guidance on the new IET Code of Practice.


So, if you’re affected by the changes to the Code of Practice get yourself along to the event and find out how it affects you.

We will see you there!

Written by Sara Thomson