There’s more to Solar than PV Installer

Did you know that you don’t have to learn to be a PV installer to get involved in the solar industry? You can complete PASS’s Solar PV course and gain a qualification for the Design and Verification of Solar PV.

This option does not require the stringent pre-requisites that the PV Installer course does, Solar PVhowever the course is the same but those on the designer option will receive a different qualification to those on the PV Installer option.

The Designer course option can be taken by anyone with an interest who works alongside PV installers or would benefit from these skills.

However, it is important to remember that as someone who has qualified on the Designer option, you would not be able to approach MCS for accreditation and will not be qualified to install the actual electrical parts, but you will be qualified as a PV Designer and Verifier.

If you would like to find out more about this option and the possibility of  getting involved in the Solar industry, visit the Solar PV course pages or call the training experts on 0845 365 39 45.